The Artemisietum Salsolosum fosmation group at the SiyazanNeft NQCI mine


  • Elshad Gurbanov Baku State University
  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
  • Shahin Ibrahimov Baku State University



Xerophyte, Phytocenosis, Shrub, Mesoxerophyte, Mesophyte, Halophyte


The vegetation of this formation is spread in the Gilgilchay basin (around the oil wells) where SiyazanNeft's mine No. 2 is located. Phytocenosis includes 16 species; 2 species (12.5%) shrub, 1 species (6.3%) semi-shrub, 1 species (6.3%) small shrub, 6 species (37.5%) perennial, 2 species (12.4%) are biennial and 4 species (25.0%) annual herbaceous plants. According to ecological analyzes, 6 species (37.5%) are xerophytes, 7 species (43.8%) are mesoxerophytes, 2 species (12.4%) are mesophytes and 1 species Petrosimonia brachiata (Pall.) (6.3%) are halophytes. The dominant Salsola dendroides abundance of the formation is 3-4 points, and the subdominant Artemisia lerchiana abundance is 2 points. According to its structure, Tamarix ramosissima is in the first floor of Nitraria shoberi phytocenosis; At II level - Salsola dendroides (C.A.Mey.) Mog, S. ericoides Bieb, Elytrigia elangata (Rest) Nevski., Alhagi pseudoalhagi (Bieb.) Desv., Limonium meyeri (Boiss.), Medicago coerulea Less& Lebed. ; III. on the floor - Artemisia lerchiana Web., Eremopyrum elangata (Rest) Nevski., Melilotus albus Medik., Petrosimonia brachiata (Pall.), Eremopyrum orientale (Gaerth.) Nevski., Lolium rigidum Gauntin, Xanthium spinosum L. are annual plants. Total project coverage equals 30-50%. The lands where the vegetation is spread are polluted with small amounts of oil.

Author Biographies

Elshad Gurbanov, Baku State University

Faculty of Biology, Azerbaijan

Sanubar Aslanova, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Azerbaijan

Shahin Ibrahimov, Baku State University

Faculty of Biology, Azerbaijan




How to Cite

Gurbanov, E., Aslanova, S., & Ibrahimov, S. (2023). The Artemisietum Salsolosum fosmation group at the SiyazanNeft NQCI mine. AS-Proceedings, 1(5), 10.



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