Salsola dendroides Pall.formation of Kura-Araz lowland


  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University



Deserts, Ephemeris, Glycophytic, Halophytic, Formation


The Salsola dendroides Pall.formation, as a characteristic plant group, grows in a saline alternating manner in the area of gray, gray-meadow soils. The edifier of the formation is a blackthorn (Salsola dendroides Pall.) up to 1 m high, with broomlike branched branches from the base, densely pubescent in spring and annual branched subshrub that dies in winter. It has a strong root system that goes deep into the soil. The leaves are alternately arranged, the young leaves are 2-5 mm long, cylindrical, covered with dense beard-like hairs, and the old branches are bare. 82 types of higher plants make up the entire diversity of the flora of Salsola dendroides deserts in the Kura-Araz lowland, most of which are cereals, sorghums, complex flowers, etc. they belong to the tribes. One of the characteristic features of Salsola dendroides deserts is the presence of grain ephemeris in their composition. The species composition of the formation includes two types - glycophytic and halophytic ephemerals. Depending on the features of the relief, high salinity of the soil, high temperature, low humidity 7 associations were determined: 1. Salsola dendroides; 2. Salsola dendroides+Petrosimonia brachiata+P.glauca; 3. Salsola dendroides+Atriplex turcomanika; 4. Salsola dendroides+ Suaeda microphylla; 5. Salsola dendroides+Artemisia lerchiana; 6. Salsola dendroides+Salsola ericoides; 7. Salsola dendroides+Nitraria schoberi. The total project coverage is 25-50%.




How to Cite

Aslanova, S. (2023). Salsola dendroides Pall.formation of Kura-Araz lowland. AS-Proceedings, 1(5), 4.



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