The formation of Suaedeta microphyllae (Azerbaijan)


  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University



Bisexual, Desert, Saline Soils, Soil Surface, Dominant


This formation is characteristic of desert vegetation, spreading in saline soils, forming independent groups and taking part in saline deserts and semi-deserts. The edifier of the formation – Suaeda microphylla Pall. It is a multi-branched shrub with a height of 20-75 cm, young shoots are colored. The leaves are small, fleshy, bluish, hairy, with a blunt tip, 3-10 mm long, 2-3 times longer than their diameter, narrowing towards the stem. The flowers are bisexual, the female is deeply seated with 2-5 mouths, 1-3 in the shape of a ball in small, transparent veiled inflorescences, the inflorescence is green, oblong-ovoid, usually adjacent to each other. The seeds are 0.75-1.25 mm long, oval, smooth, black and shiny. V-X months also bloom and bear fruit. The formation is represented by 3 associations: 1. Suaeda microphylla; 2. Suaeda microphylla-Climacoptera crassa; 3. Suaeda microphylla–Eremopyrum orientale. The floristic composition of the coenose includes up to 14 species along with the dominant Suaeda microphylla: Tamarix ramosissima, Bromus japonicus, Eremopyrum orientale, Petrosimonia brachiata, Suaeda confusa, Malvalthaea transcaucasica, Torilis nodosa, etc. participates. Fulgensia fulgens and Barbula unguiculata were recorded on the soil surface. The total project coverage is 40-50%.




How to Cite

Aslanova, S. (2023). The formation of Suaedeta microphyllae (Azerbaijan). AS-Proceedings, 1(5), 9.



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