Thymusetum-Astracanthosum formation registered in the summer pasture field No. 20 "Sarıbulag" in Yardimli district


  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University



Mesoxerophytes, Xerophytes, Association, Mesophyte, Formation Group


Thymusetum – Astracanthosum formation group plant coverage of different grassy-leguminous subalpine meadow formation class has been registered at No20 “Saribulag” summer grazing area of Yardimli region. In the species content of registered Thymusetum Trautvetteri – Astracanthosum talyschense association, it has been found 27 species. It has been determined that 3 of them are shrubs (11,1%), 1 of them subshrubs (3,7%), 11 of them perennial grasses (40,8%), 3 of them biennial grasses (11,1%), and 9 of them is specific to annual grasses (33,3%). From ecologicalgroup analysis, it became obvious that 17 species relates to xerophytes (63%), 8 typesto mesoxerophytes (29,6%), 2 types to mesophytes (7,4%). Formation dominant is Astragalus talyschensis Bunge of which abundance is 3-4 points, as well subdominant Thymus trautvetteri Klok. et Shosht. abundance is estimated as 2-3 points. Three – layering has been observed in the structure of fauna coverage. Thus, Rosa cuspidata on layer I, Eryngium billardieri, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Rumex pulcher, Anthemis rigescens, Stachys persica, Coronilla cretica, Nepeta sulphurea on layer II, and Astracantha aurea, Festuca rupicola, Papaver orientale, Trigonella coerulescens, etc. on layer III. Total project coverage of phytocenosis is 30-70%.




How to Cite

Aslanova, S. (2023). Thymusetum-Astracanthosum formation registered in the summer pasture field No. 20 "Sarıbulag" in Yardimli district. AS-Proceedings, 1(5), 15.



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