A Revıew of Mathematical Conjectures: Exploring Engaging Topics for University Mathematics Students


  • Robert Kosova University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës
  • Rinela Kapçiu University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës
  • Shkelqim Hajrulla Epoka University
  • Anna Maria Kosova University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës




Conjecture, Mathematics, Python, Coding, Programming


Throughout history, humanity has been driven by an innate curiosity to explore beyond established boundaries, particularly evident in scientific and mathematical pursuits. The realm of mathematics has seen numerous conjectures spanning ancient times to the present day, encompassing various mathematical domains. These conjectures, some evolving into theorems upon proof, others being refuted and replaced, and a few remaining yet unresolved, form a significant facet of intellectual exploration. They captivate not only professional mathematicians but also enthusiasts, contributing to the evolution of mathematics. Mathematical conjectures are statements that have not yet been proven to be true or false. Typically created from observed patterns, these conjectures often originate from seemingly simple propositions. Presently, advancements in computer programming have substantially contributed to and aided in proving wrong by finding some counterexamples or confirming the conjectures for very large numbers. Python, in particular, facilitates the verification of conjectures for larger numbers, the identification of patterns and formulas, confirming conjectures or helping in finding counterexamples leading to rejection, as well as refining existing ones or generating new ones. The article aims to present several famous math conjectures, predominantly in number theory, and emphasize the importance and use of working with students for a more interesting class. Notable conjectures include Euclid's perfect number conjecture, Fermat's number conjecture, Collatz's conjecture, Landau’s conjecture, Mersenne's prime conjecture, and more.

Author Biographies

Robert Kosova, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Mathematics,  Albani

Rinela Kapçiu, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Computer Science. Albania 

Shkelqim Hajrulla, Epoka University

Computer Engineering Department. Tirana. Albania.

Anna Maria Kosova, University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës

Department of Computer Science. Albania




How to Cite

Kosova, R., Kapçiu, R., Hajrulla, S., & Kosova, A. M. (2023). A Revıew of Mathematical Conjectures: Exploring Engaging Topics for University Mathematics Students. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER), 7(11), 180–186. https://doi.org/10.59287/as-ijanser.581




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