Trifoliumeta-Thymusetum-Festucosum formation registered in summer pastures No. 12 in the territory of Lerik region


  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University



Dominant, Xerophytes, Association, Mesophyte, Formation Group


Trifoliumeta – Thymusetum – Festucosum formation group of this class are found at deserted mountain-meadow soils. The formation is represented with two associations- Trifoliumeta repensisThymusetum trautvetteri- Festucosum rubra and Trifolietum hybrida -Thymusetum trautvetteri). Flora coverage of the formation is bounded with forest area of Lankaran highlands from in the East and Sourthern-east, and also defined at №12 summer grazings of Lerik region. Type composition of phyocenosis is too rich and consists of 35 species. 2 of them are shrubs (5,7%), 1 subshrubs (2,9%), 21 perennial grasses (60,0%), 3 biennial grasses (8,6%). For its ecological group, 14 species distributed to xerophytes (40,0%), 15 mesoxerophyte (42,9%), 6 mesophytes (17,1%). Abundance of formation dominant Festuca rubra L. is 3-4 points, subdominant of formation is Thymus trauvetteri Klok. et Shosht. and Trifolium repens L. and abundance of both species are estimated 2-3 points and 2 pointsaccordingly. The structure of fauna coverage formation was distributed to 3 layers, andalso has been determined that Grataegus pentagyna Waldst. et Kit., Rosa nisami Sosn. of shrubs, Stipa capillata of grasses have been found on layer I, as wellDactylis glomerata, Stipa capillata, Festuca rubra, Trifolium repens, T.hybridum, Medicago caucaisca, Festuca drymeja, etc. on layer II, Thymus trautvetteri, Zizifora bibersteiniana, Convolvulus pentapetaloides, etc. on layer III.




How to Cite

Aslanova, S. (2023). Trifoliumeta-Thymusetum-Festucosum formation registered in summer pastures No. 12 in the territory of Lerik region. AS-Proceedings, 1(5), 14.



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