Lung Cancer Properties of Veronica officinalis L.


  • Burak TÜZÜN Sivas Cumhuriyet University
  • Esra UÇAR Sivas Cumhuriyet University
  • Nuraniye ERUYGUR Selcuk University



Molecular Docking, Veronica Officinalis, GC-MC, Lung Cancer


In this study, the effect of Veronica officinalis methanol extract on lung cancer was evaluated by molecular docking method using molecular and protein connections. Herbal methods are among the methods used to prevent diseases rather than treat them. However, it can be a choice for people in case of resistance to drugs acquired over time and sometimes no response to treatment. In this context, the components of Veronica officinalis were evaluated on lung cancer, one of the important and fatal diseases. Chemical components were determined for the V. officinalis methanol extract, the inhibitory activities of these chemicals against the Crystal structure of lung cancer protein (PDB ID: 4ZXT and 5ZMA) downloaded from the Protein Data Bank site were compared.

Author Biographies

Burak TÜZÜN, Sivas Cumhuriyet University

Plant and Animal Production Department, Technical Sciences Vocational School of Sivas, Sivas, Turkey

Esra UÇAR, Sivas Cumhuriyet University

Plant and Animal Production Department, Technical Sciences Vocational School of Sivas, Sivas, Turkey

Nuraniye ERUYGUR, Selcuk University

Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Konya, 42250, Turkey




How to Cite

TÜZÜN, B., UÇAR, E., & ERUYGUR, N. (2023). Lung Cancer Properties of Veronica officinalis L. AS-Proceedings, 1(4), 5–10.

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