The contribution of remonte sensing in the mapping, land cover and hydrology of the ouled Abdoun basin


  • Abdennacer El Myr University Cadi Ayyad
  • Ahmed Algouti University Cadi Ayyad
  • Abdelhalim Tabit University Cadi Ayyad
  • Fatiha Hadach University Ibno Zohr
  • Mourad Guernouche OCP Group
  • And Jaouad Aadaj University Cadi Ayyad
  • Chaima Ben Tabet University Cadi Ayyad
  • Sabah Ben El Hamdi University Cadi Ayyad
  • Khadija Oudour University Cadi Ayyad



Ouled Abdoun, Remote Sensing, Landsat, Aster, Soil, Soilgrids, NDWI, NDVI


The Ouled Abdoun phosphate basin located in the northwest of Morocco is considered one of the largest phosphate basins in the world. It represents a major economic opportunity for Morocco and a global source of phosphate supply. The mapping of the Ouled Abdoun basin using satellite imagery, including Landsat and Aster images, and the application of indices such as NDVI and NDWI, along with the creation of maps, provides insight into the development of vegetation density and water quantity between 2000 and 2022. The application of indices such as clay, carbonates, and oxidation indicates that the basin is rich in clayey, carbonated, and marly soils. Following the mapping of the Ouled Abdoun basin, a supervised classification based on data from the SoilGrids platform indicates that the basin is rich in various types of soils such as Luvisols, cambisols, calcisols, fluvisols, regosols,and vertisols. Furthermore, the land use map of the Ouled Abdoun basin shows that the majority of the surface area is made up of cultivated lands. The hydrological study of the Ouled Abdoun basin for the calculation of the annual volume of water pumped from the groundwater shows that each year, approximately 3.232 billion cubic meters of water are consumed for irrigation in the Ouled Abdoun basin.

Author Biographies

Abdennacer El Myr, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Ahmed Algouti, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Abdelhalim Tabit, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia,  Morocco

Fatiha Hadach, University Ibno Zohr

laboratory: Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic/ faculty of science Agadir,  Morocco

Mourad Guernouche, OCP Group

 Casablanca, Morocco

And Jaouad Aadaj, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia,  Morocco

Chaima Ben Tabet, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Sabah Ben El Hamdi, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Khadija Oudour, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco




How to Cite

Myr, A. E., Algouti, A., Tabit, A., Hadach, F., Guernouche, M., Aadaj, A. . J., … Oudour, K. (2023). The contribution of remonte sensing in the mapping, land cover and hydrology of the ouled Abdoun basin. AS-Proceedings, 1(4), 305–308.

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