Characterization of meteorological droughts in the Haouz plain in Morocco: an analysis over the period 1984-2023


  • Khadija Lamrani University Cadi Ayyad
  • Ahmed Algouti University Cadi Ayyad
  • Abdelhalim Tabit University Cadi Ayyad
  • Fatiha Hadach
  • Naji Jdaba
  • Kaouthar Majdouli University Cadi Ayyad
  • Mohammed Lakhlili University Cadi Ayyad
  • Yahya Laadimi University Cadi Ayyad
  • Khadija Oudour University Cadi Ayyad



Haouz Plain, Meteorological Drought, Precipitation, Temperatures, Groundwater, GIS and Remote Sensing


Groundwater plays a crucial role in the Moroccan context, representing a vital resource for the country's socio-economic development. However, the growing demand for water for domestic, agricultural, recreational and industrial needs is exposing this resource to significant pressures, making it particularly vulnerable, especially in the face of drought, which is proving to be a more devastating catastrophe than other natural hazards. This research focuses on the characterization of meteorological droughts in the Haouz plain, one of Morocco's largest aquifer regions, covering some 6 200 km2, with Marrakech as its capital. In this region with its arid to semi-arid climate, groundwater is the only available resource. The study is based on the analysis of temperature and precipitation, with the aim of monitoring the evolution of these factors between 1984 and 2023. The distribution of weather stations from the east to the west of the region was examined to determine climatic variations and assess the visibility of the climate change signal. The results of meteorological analysis over a 37-year period reveal that the Haouz plain is highly exposed to successive years of drought, particularly marked from 1998 to 2023. This period was characterized by a predominance of dry years over wet ones. These meteorological changes increase the risk of intensive groundwater exploitation to satisfy human needs and socio-economic objectives.

Author Biographies

Khadija Lamrani, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Ahmed Algouti, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Abdelhalim Tabit, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Fatiha Hadach

laboratory: Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic/ faculty of science Agadir Ibno Zohr, Morocco

Naji Jdaba

laboratory: Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic/ faculty of science Agadir Ibno Zohr, Morocco

Kaouthar Majdouli, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Mohammed Lakhlili , University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia,  Morocco

Yahya Laadimi, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Khadija Oudour, University Cadi Ayyad

laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco




How to Cite

Lamrani, K., Algouti, A., Tabit, A., Hadach, F., Jdaba, N., Majdouli, K., … Oudour, K. (2023). Characterization of meteorological droughts in the Haouz plain in Morocco: an analysis over the period 1984-2023. AS-Proceedings, 1(4), 282–286.

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