The Impact of Boron-Enriched Engine Oil on Motor Performance and Environmental Assessment


  • Idris Cesur Sakarya University of Applied Sciences
  • Beytullah Eren Sakarya University



Engine Oil, Boron-Enriched, Additive, Engine Performance


This study investigates the impact of incorporating a boron-based additive into engine oils on motor performance and environmental assessment. Engine oil selection plays a critical role in ensuring the efficient operation of internal combustion engines, influencing parameters such as friction, wear, and overall efficiency. Boron-based additives have shown promise in enhancing these aspects. The study involves experimental tests on a dual-cylinder Lombardini gasoline engine, evaluating performance at various speeds. Results indicate a positive influence on engine torque, effective power, specific fuel consumption (SFC), and effective efficiency with adding boron-based additives. While these findings suggest potential benefits, further extensive studies are recommended for broader validation. The insights derived from this analysis serve as a valuable resource for the engine industry, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding engine oil selection and performance optimization. Moreover, the study contributes to aligning these decisions with environmental sustainability goals, emphasizing the importance of eco-conscious practices within the automotive sector. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the positive effects of boron addition to engine oils, urging careful consideration for optimizing engine performance. The observed improvements underscore the need for integrating environmentally responsible practices in the automotive sector, supporting a more sustainable future.

Author Biographies

Idris Cesur, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences

Department of Mechanical Engineering/Faculty of Technology,  Türkiye

Beytullah Eren, Sakarya University

Department of Environmental Engineering/Faculty of Engineering, Türkiye




How to Cite

Cesur, I., & Eren, B. (2023). The Impact of Boron-Enriched Engine Oil on Motor Performance and Environmental Assessment. AS-Proceedings, 1(7), 969–973.