Fluorescence nitric oxide recognition mechanisms: Deamination
Fluorescence Method, Fluorescent Sensor, Nitric Oxide, NO, Recognition Mechanisms, DeaminationAbstract
ROS (Reactive oxygen species) refers to some molecules and free radicals. In a broad context, hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxide without unpaired electrons, superoxide (•O2 − ), hydroxyl (•OH− ), peroxyl (ROO•−), alkoxy (RO• ) radicals, nitric oxide radicals (•NO), such as nitrogen dioxide (•NO2), peroxynitrite (•ONOO−), singlet oxygen are members of them. According to the traditional view, the damage caused by oxidative stress caused by them results in the weakening of organs, as well as diseases that occur with aging. The •NO is defined as a short-lived free radical that takes part in biological ways important for living life. Also, NO can cause hypertension and genetic disorders. The NO is associated with some basic biological system diseases. Shortly, it has become important to investigate the functioning of NO in physiological events. However, NO's very short half-life, its formation in low concentrations in invivo environments, and its reaction with oxygen in a very short time make its determination difficult. Therefore, it is very important to develop easy, simple and effective methods for NO determination. In recent years, fluorescence spectroscopy has attracted much attention due to its advantages such as being suitable for the determination of many species, having high selectivity and sensitivity, and being cheap and easy using. Many mechanisms are proposed in fluorescence studies for NO. These mechanisms can be listed as the benzotriazole from the o-phenyldiamine, the diazocyclic from o-amino-3'-dimethylamino phenyl aromatics, deamination, N-nitrosation mechanisms, etc. Their deamination mechanism was here examined.