Fluid Relationships of Young Individuals of the Digital Age Based on Distrust and Uncertainty


  • Serdar ÜNAL Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Aydın Adnan Menderes University Aydın/Türkiye




Digital Age, Young Individuals, Insecurity, Fluid Relationships


The world has been developing and transforming, for better or worse, since humans have existed and interacted with each other. Because, depending on the developments, the values and behavioral patterns of individuals and societies are constantly changing. In today's societies, where information and communication technologies are rapidly developing, the process of adapting to the digital world changes our cultural values, moral norms, business and social lives, in short, our daily lives. The values of young individuals, who are defined as the digital generation and who were introduced to the internet before school age, are quite different from the values of previous generations. Perhaps the biggest difference that distinguishes today's young individuals from other generations is that they were born in a period when change was very rapid and experienced in fractures. In this context, young individuals of the digital world love change, transformation and innovation, but as speed enthusiasts, they are more inclined to do everything practically, quickly and get results immediately. At this point, the relationships of young individuals in their daily lives appear to be extremely fluid, fast, fragile and result-oriented. As a matter of fact, in this text, the issue of the fluidity of daily relationships of young individuals in a digital society where individualization is increasing all over the world is discussed on a sociological basis. Because, in our world where individualization is excessive, relationships are like a double-edged sword. Individuals oscillate between beautiful dreams and nightmares, it is not known when one will turn into the other. Most of the time, these two states coexist, albeit at different levels of consciousness. After all, in today's digital world, the stability and reliability of the human relations network is not getting any better.




How to Cite

ÜNAL, S. (2023). Fluid Relationships of Young Individuals of the Digital Age Based on Distrust and Uncertainty. AS-Proceedings, 1(2), 267–271. https://doi.org/10.59287/as-proceedings.160