Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Aptian-Albian deposits in the Western High Atlas (Morocco) by the geochemical study of carbonates and the exoscopy of quartz grains


  • Fatiha Hadach Ibn Zohr University
  • Ahmed Algouti Cadi Ayyad University
  • Zahra Mourabit Ibn Tofail University
  • Zaina Nidsaid Cadi Ayyad University
  • Othman ES-Sarrar National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM)
  • Naji Jdaba Ibn Zohr University



Scanning Electron Microscope, Isotope Geochemistry, Aptian-Albian, Western High Atlas, Morocco


Cretaceous deposits in the Ait Ourir region have been the subject of numerous researches. Our study concerns particularly the Aptian-Albian deposits. The paleogeographic and especially paleoclimatic evolution of the Apto-Albian deposits is defined by scanning electron microscope study SEM of surface textures of quartz grains, and by the study of isotopic geochemistry (18O/16O and 13C/12C ratio). The exoscopy permitted to distinguish the sedimentary history of quartz (alteration, continental aquatic transport). The SEM examination of the surfaces of the quartz grains permitted to identify various figures related either to the primitive crystalline system of the quartz grains or to the corrosive actions specific to the alteration environment. The isotope geochemistry consists to study radioactive or stable isotopes of organic and/or inorganic substance in order to identify and understand the physical, biological or geochemical processes which are the origin of the observed variations.

Author Biographies

Fatiha Hadach, Ibn Zohr University

Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic Laboratory, Agadir, Morocco

Ahmed Algouti, Cadi Ayyad University

 Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Department of Geology, Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Marrakech, Morocco

Zahra Mourabit, Ibn Tofail University

Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, Geoscience Laboratory, Kenitra, Morocco

Zaina Nidsaid, Cadi Ayyad University

Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Department of Geology, Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Marrakech, Morocco

Othman ES-Sarrar, National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines (ONHYM)


Naji Jdaba, Ibn Zohr University

Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic Laboratory, Agadir, Morocco




How to Cite

Hadach, F., Algouti, A., Mourabit, Z., Nidsaid, Z., ES-Sarrar, O., & Jdaba, N. (2023). Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Aptian-Albian deposits in the Western High Atlas (Morocco) by the geochemical study of carbonates and the exoscopy of quartz grains. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches (IJANSER), 7(11), 569–574.




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