Analysis of the use of self-compacting concrete in Algeria: opportunities and challenges


  • Rachid RABEHI University of Djelfa
  • Mohamed RABEHI University of Djelfa
  • Mohammed OMRANE University of Djelfa
  • Abdelkader FIDJAH University of Djelfa
  • Ahmed Rafik BELAKHDAR Larbi Tebessi University
  • Mohamed AMIEUR ENSTP



Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), Algeria, Material Properties, Opportunities, Challenges


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has the same basic ingredients as conventional concrete but contains special admixtures that provide it with high flowability and the ability to compact under its own weight. SCC enhances construction productivity, reduces noise, and improves concrete quality and durability. Although extensively researched and used worldwide, SCC utilization in Algeria remains limited or even nonexistent. Contributing factors include a lack of regulatory provisions for SCC in Algerian construction standards, low awareness among professionals about SCC properties and benefits, challenges obtaining suitable SCC materials locally, and perceived higher costs compared to conventional concrete. Promoting SCC use in Algeria's construction industry requires addressing these barriers through developing SCC-specific regulations and standards, educating professionals on SCC merits, creating databases of appropriate local SCC materials, and considering long-term advantages against short-term costs. With targeted efforts to build awareness, ensure material availability, implement supportive policies, and demonstrate cost-effectiveness, SCC can gain wider acceptance in Algeria. SCC has the potential to bring major improvements in construction practices, quality, and infrastructure development in Algeria. But concerted efforts are needed to unlock its full promise in local construction.

Author Biographies

Rachid RABEHI, University of Djelfa

Laboratory (LDMM), Civil Engineering Department, Algeria

Mohamed RABEHI, University of Djelfa

Laboratory (LDMM), Civil Engineering Department, Algeria

Mohammed OMRANE, University of Djelfa

Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory, Algeria

Abdelkader FIDJAH, University of Djelfa

Laboratory (LDMM), Civil Engineering Department,  Algeria

Ahmed Rafik BELAKHDAR, Larbi Tebessi University

Mining Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, 12002, Tebessa, Algeria


National School of Built and Ground Work Engineering, Alger, Algeria




How to Cite

RABEHI, R., RABEHI, M., OMRANE, M., FIDJAH, A., BELAKHDAR, A. R., & AMIEUR, M. (2023). Analysis of the use of self-compacting concrete in Algeria: opportunities and challenges. AS-Proceedings, 1(4), 287–290.

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