Talish wheat-grass subalpine meadow formation class


  • Sanubar Aslanova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University




Phytocenosis, Flora, Ecomorph, Mesophyte, Formation Group


Formation class is represented with 3 formation group and 3 association, i.e StipetumFestucosum formation group isrepresented with Stipetum transcaucasica- Festucosum ovina; StipetaPoaetum- Festucosum formation group with Stipeta transcaucasica-Poaetum pratensis-Fes- tucosum ovina; Poaetum- Festucosum formation group with Poaetum pratensis - Festucosum ovina associations. During the investigation, in species composition of the Stipetum transcaucasica- Festucosum ovina association of Stipetum- Festicosum formation group, it has been registered 29 species of which 5 of them are represented with shrub (17.2%), 2 of them with subshrubs (6.9%), 17 of (10.3%). According to the ecological group analysis of registered species, 15 types (51.7%) have been considered as xerophytes,6 of them as mesoxerophytes (20.7%) and 8 of them as mesophytes (27, 6%). The dominant type of this phytocenosis is Festuca ovina L. of which abundance is between 3 and 4 points and subdominant is Stipa transcaucasia Grossh. of which abundance is estimated between 2 and 3 points. Different-layering has been observed in the phytosenological structure offormation. Thus, it has not been registered plants of phytocenotic structure on Ilayer. On II layer, shrubs as Astracantha aurea; subshrubs as Stachys inflata, perennial grasses as Stipa transcaucasica, Phleum pratense, Achillea millefolium, Alchemilla oxsysepala, Nepeta sulphurea etc., on the III layer Festuca ovina, Poa pratensis, Teucrium orientale, Trisetum rigidum, Euphorbia hyrcana etc. specieshave been defined. The project coverage is equal to 60-80%. 2 of 29 species defined in the type composition of phytocenosis is considered to be Azerbaijani endemics as Stachys macrantha and Euphorbia hyrcana.

Author Biography

Sanubar Aslanova, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Baku, Azerbaijan




How to Cite

Aslanova, S. (2023). Talish wheat-grass subalpine meadow formation class. AS-Proceedings, 1(3), 8. https://doi.org/10.59287/as-proceedings.257



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